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- At 15:41 16/03/97 GMT, you wrote:
- >
- >Hi everybody,
- >does anybody knows how to select a velocity law of the
- >ARR track of BSQ ? Suppose you don't want to modify
- >a law of your style and you are just interested to
- >do it after finishing your job with BSQ. Are
- >there are any possibilities ? There is an option
- >to modify velocity laws of all extra tracks but not an
- >ARR track (I could not find any info regarding this
- >in the manual).
- >Regards,
- >Garik
- Hi Garik,
- I have an i3. On the i3 there is no MODIFY VELOCITY and no MODIFY CONTROL
- DATA option in BSEQ mode. Therefore you cannot apply a VELOCITY CURVE to an
- EXTRA TRACK, like you can in SONG mode. However, you can record TRACK
- VOLUME changes in real-time on the EXTRA TRACK, by high-lighting the TRACK
- VOLUME with the cursor, start recording in OVERDUB mode, and then while
- recording increase/decrease the value, with the UP/DOWN keys or DIAL.
- Now, you mention the ARR track. There are 3 tracks, CHORD, CONTROL & KEYB.
- You can only sequence track volume changes (C007's) on the KEYB track, but
- then only in EVENT EDIT mode, so it's not very useful.
- Remeber that in ARR mode, the volumes of each ACCMP track, BASS, DRM, PERC
- and ACC1-3 are all defined. You could change them and create another
- arrangement, exactly the same, but with different track volumes.
- The only way (except for editting the STYLE) to achieve a FADE OUT for
- example in BSEQ mode, is to use all the EXTRA TRACK's to control the TRACK
- VOLUMES of all the ACCMP track & KEYB track. You can do this by setting the
- MIDI channel of each EXTRA TRACK to the same MIDI channel as each of the
- ACCMP track. If you then record a fade out (as described previously) on an
- EXTRA TRACK, the track volume changes (C007's) are also transmitted to the
- STYLE tracks. I've only ever done this once. If you download my BSEQ
- version of "Apache", thats how I did the fade out at the end.
- This is the problem BSEQ mode, once you start to want to do anything clever,
- you should really start thinking about using the proper 16-track sequencer
- if you have an i1/i2 or i3.
- If you have the ROM upgrade (or version 50+), then use "Save BSEQ as SMF",
- load this into SONG mode and then you have the full power to do what you want.
- HINT!!!!: Once in SONG mode, You could use MODIFY CONTROL DATA to get
- perfect fade outs on the EXTRA TRACKS, and if you put these track in the
- appopriate place in SONG mode, you can then use Guenter's new SONG to BSEQ
- program, to convert the SONG file back to a BSEQ file again, it that's the
- mode you prefer to use. Congrats to Guenter for yet another great utility!
- Hope this helps,
- Mark.
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Email: markr@woden.com
- i-Series Web Site: http://www.woden.com/~markr/index.html
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